15 May Time Studies
Quick Winch™ Time Studies
Quick Winch Products, Inc. has conducted a number of time studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of its products in reducing the time it takes to perform routine tasks. The following are the results of some of those tests.
Quick Winch™ Load Securement System
The test was conducted by comparing the use of the standard winch bar to the use of the Mega-Tork Ratchet/Winch Bar and the Permanent/Portable Winch Adapters. The test results were as follows:
Quick Winch System: The tightening process using the Mega-Tork Ratchet/Winch Bar and thePermanent/Portable Winch Adapters took an average of two minutes per strap. Securing a load with 12 straps would take 24 minutes or savings of 18 minutes per load using the Quick Winch System. Tires or toolboxes do not impede the ratcheting process.
Using an hourly rate of $60/hr equates to savings of $18/load. That means that the product would pay for itself after only seven loads. Assuming that the driver secures three loads per day, the product would pay for itself in just 2 1/3 days.
Quick Winch™ Reel Quick Strap Winder
Additional savings can be realized if the driver is also using the Reel Quick Strap Winder versus wrapping the straps by hand. This will save an additional nine minutes per load. Again, using the hourly rate of /hr, this is a savings of /load. العاب قمار حقيقي That means that the product would pay for itself after only 5 1/2 loads. Assuming that the driver secures three loads per day, the product would pay for itself less than two days. كيفية لعب البوكر The Reel Quick Strap Winder also cleans and straightens the straps as they are rolled.
As an added convenience, we also have available Multi Band Restraints to hold the rolled straps in place during storage. كيف تربح المال من الانترنت مجاناً This means that when you need them, they’ll be ready to use — not unraveled or tangled.